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The Predictive Index is the leader in talent optimization

PI empowers entire organizations to align their people strategy with business strategy for optimal business results. It is a company that offers a complete talent optimization platform, not just an assessment.

PI Hire

PI Hire is the solution to consistently hire the best fit with confidence. A hiring manager becomes 8X more likely to predict candidate success through behavioral and cognitive data, take control of their day with one-click interview guides, and get their entire team aligned on the ideal target for every role with proven science. Click below to see how PI Hire can help your organization.

Image by Christina @

PI Inspire

As a manager, responsibilities are endless, and yet they remain the linchpin for your team's success. PI Inspire is the secret to building a high performing team that runs itself—so they have time to be strategic. Powered by deep behavioral insights, they’ll coach your direct reports to greatness, predict team dynamics, and solve people issues in a flash. Click below to see how PI Inspire can help your organization.

Image by Clark Tibbs

PI Design

PI Design is a powerful framework that empowers executives to gain business strategy alignment and build the teams to execute strategic goals. From software to executive sessions to expert consulting, Design provides the tools and knowledge needed to execute a winning strategy and achieve business results. Click below to see how PI Design can help your organization.

Image by Hannah Busing

PI Diagnose

PI Diagnose is a framework for pinpointing the sources of disengagement problems and implementing action plans to solve them. With the Employee Experience Survey, coaching, and consulting session, Diagnose provides the tools and knowledge needed to shift a company into high gear. Click below to see how PI Diagnose can help your organization.

Image by Charanjeet Dhiman

Calculate The Cost Of Your Turnover

Talent optimized companies have 30% lower turnover of top-performers. 61% of employees are fired for two reasons. Behavioral and cognitive fit. You may be surprised to know how much the turnover rate is costing your organization. With this turnover calculator, you can see for yourself how much your turnover is costing you.

Teamwork in the office
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